Why I Am Not a Writer | Teen Ink

Why I Am Not a Writer

November 5, 2016
By Anonymous

“Why I Am Not a Writer” is an interesting story by Madison Griffith about reality. I was surprised by how she compared writers to our everyday lives. Madison mentions in the beginning that writers typically don’t write for themselves, “However, writers like to know someone picked up their work and lay in bed with it for a while”, they do it to impress someone, to know that someone likes their writing/work. Madison compares this to how we feel about what our friends, family or teachers feel about us, we want to impress them, we want to know someone is proud of us. I completley agree with Madison. I’m always trying to astound or impress my parents with grades and sports and going to college in the future. But Madison was trying to convey that writers should write for themselves. And for the people who “aren’t good writers, or just don’t know how to write for themselves” shouldn’t be writers and/or expect life to be like a happy ending in a book or a thriler action movie. Madison belives we should just go with the flow, that there is no “process” to life and to do things for ourselves, to do things that  will make us proud of ourselves.

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