Feedback On "How to Love a Broken Person" | Teen Ink

Feedback On "How to Love a Broken Person"

December 3, 2016
By bumblebeezo PLATINUM, Brooklyn, New York
bumblebeezo PLATINUM, Brooklyn, New York
34 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"If you can dream it, you can do it." -Walt Disney

     "How to Love a Broken Person," by McKenna Scherer honestly made me cry, and i am a very ugly cryer. She poetically shows how toxic loving someone can be. Falling in love with the wrong person is so difficult to handle. McKenna writes "And every fake 'I love you too.'" For some people, saying "I love you" is easy because it's just words to them. In the poem, she talks about the pain she feels because she fell in love with a broken person, a person who couldn't love her back. She says "Just to know a broken person will break you too." Loving someone who is incapable of loving you back will make you cold and turn you into the same person they are.

     I have been feeling a lot of pain about love lately. I fall in love too easily. McKenna is the person affected by loving this broken person but in my case, I am the broken person. I am hurting the people I care about. I'm starting to think I am incapable of falling in love. Or maybe I'm too capable. The way that McKenna describes being broken paints a picture in my mind. I can see the cigarette being put out on the dried lips. She makes the poem relatable even to people who haven't been in love or don't understand how someone can be broken. The poem is beautiful. I am broken. But now i know that i am not alone.

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