Response to "Uniting Two Americas" | Teen Ink

Response to "Uniting Two Americas"

February 6, 2017
By uso_2001 BRONZE, Dracut, Massachusetts
uso_2001 BRONZE, Dracut, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 What stood out to me in the story is that the people in California didn’t want Donald Trump to be president because he’s a racist. They would rather have Hillary Clinton as president. Later on in the story the narrator said, “No matter who is president, our nation needs to come together.” The narrator said “I live in California, where Hillary Clinton is good and Donald Trump is bad. Today there are two America, Each version of this nation has an entirely different mindset, our nation is divided because neither side will listen to the other. Now it’s more important than ever for us to come together’’. I feel that these quotes are important because it talks about both candidates and how our nation should come together no matter who is president. I don’t think I have any life connection, I just don’t like Donald Trump.

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