Feedback on "Assassin's Creed" | Teen Ink

Feedback on "Assassin's Creed"

April 5, 2017
By AJR21 GOLD, New York City, New York
AJR21 GOLD, New York City, New York
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Feedback on “Assassin’s Creed”

     The review of the “Assassin’s Creed” movie by Ayinde Roberts provided a description and opinion that I could agree with. Aside from pointing out the movie’s flaws, the review also gave readers a good sense of the plot and cast. The review is well done, drawing readers in with lines such as “Will FOX’s adaptation of the famous Ubisoft franchise manage to buck the trend?” I feel that the main points brought up in the review were truthful and successfully warned readers from expecting a lot from “Assassin’s Creed”.
     I have never played any games in the “Assassin’s Creed” franchise, but I know the basics about them. In my opinion, the movie portrayal of the video game failed to capture some of the main elements, such as the protagonist’s experiences in a different time period. As the review mentioned, the movie misses out on what could have been one of the best game-to-film adaptations in my opinion. With supporting characters that don't support the plot, “sloppy and choppy” fight scenes, and confusing plot holes, the movie was a large step down from what I thought it would be.

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