Immigrants Are Not the Enemy | Teen Ink

Immigrants Are Not the Enemy

April 28, 2017
By Pastrana315 SILVER, Phoenix, Arizona
Pastrana315 SILVER, Phoenix, Arizona
5 articles 3 photos 0 comments

I really enjoyed "Imigrantsare not the enemy" by Ryan N. Ryan wrote about a topic I personally struggle with, and thats why I enjoyed it. He makes a claim i strongly agree with, "Illegal immagrants who are already members of our society should be allowed a apth to citizenship". Ryan has apoint if a immagrant put the effort to work and pay taxes why can't he/she be treated like a U.S citizen. Ryan uses evidence and information from others to support his claim, which makes me like it more because its a accurate paper. Thank you Ryan for speaking out for me and others who struggle with this daily problem.

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