Rainbow Six Siege | Teen Ink

Rainbow Six Siege

September 13, 2017
By skrubssquad115 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
skrubssquad115 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I wholeheartedly agree with Richard Richardson in his Review about Rainbow Six Siege bein a game where you plan and strategize. I also agreed when Richardson said, "it's a better experience when you play with friends " because it really does make the game better. Your friends could give you tips on how you should enter the next room or spot the enemy player. The last thing I agreed with Richardson on was that you shouldn't run through the map because the a really fast way to get you killed and that how each operater has its own ability that can help the team complete the objective. Also, if you know the operators of the opposite team you can plan how to take care of them. Thank you Richard Richardson for an exciting review about a game I enjoy.

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