Fantasy Football | Teen Ink

Fantasy Football

December 1, 2011
By Anonymous

Fantasy football is a common past time between friends and family, every year when football season comes along. Everyone loves getting into the draft and picking up their favorite players. Many people really get into the fantasy festivities. Some managers do hours of research so come draft day they will be ready to pick up their favorite stars. Even though fantasy football is fun there are also many prejudices that go into this great American past time.

Many players in the National football League get jeered at and hated against just because they are not a common pick up on the wavers list. For example Shaun Hill of the Detroit Lions, he has an owning percent of zero. This means no fantasy football owners want him on their team. Players like Shaun often are mocked and made fun of just because of their low fantasy numbers each week.

Along with players being discriminated against Kids at my school that have bad fantasy teams are usually the laughing stocks of the whole school. No one wants to hang out with a kid that averages 50 fantasy points a game, and I think that’s just wrong. There is a place for every one in fantasy football and even if you have a record of 0-16, you should still have the right to play in peace without getting bullied for your lack of points.

This is a common problem in my high school and high schools across the state and I think fantasy football companies need to address it and put a stop to this discrimination and bullying!

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