Why Bother? | Teen Ink

Why Bother?

October 28, 2019
By GrindingGears555 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
GrindingGears555 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What has voting become? Is it trying to make a difference in what a person believes in? Or is it following the opinions of others, getting influenced by social media, and adapting to others political views?

Voting is critical for making political decisions in our country, and more people are pushing to get the youth out in the polls. The facts are compelling too, showing that only 13% of 18-24 year olds voted in the last presidential election. (Early signs of a Youth Wave, Nov 6, 2018) Seeing these facts can be an eye opener to get young people to vote, but is there more to voting than just checking a box?

Voting is someone's political belief, and should be based on current facts perceived from both sides of the political spectrum. Gather facts, and then base your own opinion based on those facts. But does voting really make a difference? 

Voting is a collective opinion of the American people. But when people disregard their own thoughts and adapt to those of others, the system isn't true to its main purpose. Is voting becoming more obsolete? 

When I think of the importance of voting, being educated is the first thing to come to mind. The vote of the youth in the US will mean nothing if they just go to the polls with biased opinions based on false information. Is the media corrupting the opinions of potential voters? 

Youth votes can be a powerful thing, and can change this country for the better. People need to realize how important those votes are to our countries politics. We have the opportunity to make a positive impact on our country. Voting needs to become a power move, and right of passage to change this country for the better. 

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