True friends | Teen Ink

True friends

April 24, 2009
By katie fridsma BRONZE, Belmont, Michigan
katie fridsma BRONZE, Belmont, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 2 comments

What matters to me? A true friend, someone that is always there to help you, someone that knows when you need a good laugh and when to be serious. Always there for you when you need them most, they are a shoulder to cry on and make it all better. A true friend never lies to me, always tells me the truth, we don’t get in fights, we work through it peacefully. There are two people that come to my mind when I think of true friends Ali and Madie.
Ali and Madie are kind, loving people. When I am having a hard day they are the ones that are always there for me. They give me support and encouragement. A good example of them showing their love and support is when my dad lost his job. It was a Thursday when I got the news. Ali gave me the best e-mail ever; she gave me lyrics to a song telling me that everything will be alright, and she has been such an influence on me! They both were the one who made sure that I knew everything would be okay they never let me forget that it is all taken care of and things happen for reasons. Like my mom says “God closes doors only to open new ones.” That is so true. Even when God closed a door he also opened a new one, I realized what great friends they really were. They are the ones I go to for advice for what I should do. They are always there to just talk and let out all the stress and anger I have and they sit there and listen and giving me advice on what I should do. When we aren’t talking about our problems in life we just go out and have fun! We don’t fight; we just talk through things together on what we did. I take them everywhere, shopping, movies, bowling, sleepovers, dinner and so much more. I don’t know what I would ever do without them!
Friends are everything. Without them life is long and boring. They will be there for you until the end of time. They care for you, love you, and laugh with you! They have a shoulder to cry on for when you need it. They tell you the truth and never lie. They never talk behind your back. They will always be there for you and will never leave you. That’s when you know that you have a true friend, when they show you how much you really mean to them. I would like to thank Ali and Madie for being such great friends to me! I really appreciate all the things you guys have done for me. I hope we can be friends until the end! True friends are what matter to me.

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This article has 2 comments.

on May. 29 2009 at 5:24 pm
Madie Waldvogel BRONZE, Rockford, Michigan
3 articles 0 photos 2 comments
Awww Katie thats soo sweet. ur such a great friends and ILY soooo much!!!! XOXOXOXOXOx

your BFF,


madd-e pie said...
on May. 25 2009 at 10:34 pm
Hey this was a GREAT article. THis really shows how friends should act and be like. THis has made a great influence on me in just these few minutes. This was really really worth reading, I suggest this to everyone. Great Essay KT see ya soon miss you.