Who to Trust | Teen Ink

Who to Trust

May 19, 2009
By Marissa Snider BRONZE, Bellingham, Washington
Marissa Snider BRONZE, Bellingham, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Relationships come and go but friends are forever”. This has proven to be a true and most helpful quote, for me anyways. But when your friendship is having problems who should you listen to? Who should you trust to make the difficult decisions in your friendship? , TRUST YOURSELF! , LISTEN TO YOURSELF! , ACKOWLEDGE WHAT YOUR HEART IS FEELING! There are a lot of us who believe that our parents always know what’s best for us because they’ve gone through and dealt with the same things we have, but in reality they are no wiser than ourselves though some may disagree on that.

To trust yourself when making a decision that could make or break your friendship is important because you are the only one who knows what’s really best for you, what makes you happy, keeps you going on a daily basis. Your parents or other family or friends don’t know that because they aren’t you. I would know because quite recently I have had to deal with making my own friendship related decision. It was the hardest decision I have ever had to make in my life. I am very close to this person but they had a lot of problems that I didn’t think I could take much longer, and when it came down to making a decision I listened to my parents and the rest of my family…and I completely regret it.

In life everyone makes mistakes but it is what we do with the knowledge of that mistake that shapes us and makes us the person we will become. My mistake was not listening to myself and my personal feelings. I’m not saying don’t listen to your parents because they do know what’s good for you a lot of the time and want what’s best for you, even though you may not like what they have to say about it.

Building your friendship takes work and it is up to you to decide how much of your time you should invest in that friendship, again parents and other friends may tell you to keep away from your friend or avoid them when your having problems but if that’s not how you feel then what they say doesn’t really matter, like I said listen to your own feelings on the matter but be careful not to disrespect your parents. If they tell you they don’t want you around your friend or they think your friend isn’t good enough for you but you disagree, don’t disobey, rather talk to them about your feelings, open up, share with them your thoughts but make sure your being respectful here’s why when you do your parents are a lot more willing to listen to you and respect you back.

So the next time you have a problem and you don’t know who to turn to go to yourself because only you truly know what makes you happy and allows you to sleep at night.

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