That's what you call love? | Teen Ink

That's what you call love?

November 13, 2011
By CinnamonBrickner BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
CinnamonBrickner BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 10 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Rain, I don't mind, shine, the weathers fine." - John Lennon

We all have our views on love, whether it be that love is a “sacred” word, or action itself, or that it simply be a word, just like any other. Many discuss this topic, and many arguments are sprung because of it. Why does it have to be such a controversial topic? Isn’t it simple what love is, haven’t we all experienced it whether it be with family, friends, or a significant other?

Love itself is simply a word, with a definition like any other, and that definition being: “feeling tender affection towards something.” That tender affection can be towards anything at all, your grandmother’s cat, or next door neighbor’s older brother. So, evaluating this; why is it that this is a big deal? Love is a word. It is an action. If this feeling occurs, at any time, any place, love is there.

As I have found, teenagers especially, argue constantly about throwing “love” around. Having established that this simply a word, and a simple action, we realize that this is ridiculous. When two people date in high school, and express their love after a few weeks of dating, all hell breaks loose. The girls start talking about how it can’t be true love so soon. But love is simply affection, after a few weeks about being around any decent person you can develop affection for them. And what is that definition? Love I believe.

Actions, words, expressions, feeling, all show your love. There can be no misconceptions of the word. Sure, it means something, but it’s not that great big deal that we all make it to be. No matter what is said, the difference in opinions flow along, with the rude comments, and the drama affiliating from a simple four letter word. Love is the thing that shapes our lives, which can make it or break it. All because of this four lettered, oddly shaped, simple meaning word: love.

The author's comments:
I always wonder why this takes so much space in our lives. As to why it matters this much. We all have it. Whether it's realized or not.

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This article has 1 comment.

Lui95 said...
on Dec. 19 2011 at 9:43 pm
Lui95, Liverpool,
0 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
'but i being poor,have only my dreams; i have spread my dreams under your feet, tread softly because you tread on my dreams.'

that was an exceptional piece and was well written :)