Following My Dream | Teen Ink

Following My Dream

June 27, 2008
By Anonymous

Well growing up my family was always big in football. That’s what my entire family talked about: football this, football that. And someday he might have wanted to see me play. But I was not as interested in that as much. I was more of a basketball player. I always kept up with the NBA and always dreamed that someday I was going be one of those people on TV playing for a championship. But it was not an easy thing to say to a family that all they knew was football. But my mom was always a supporter in what I want to be or do when I grow up. So was my dad, but he had me pictured more as a football player. But I had already made up my mind that on day one I would step out on the court as a professional basketball player. And standing at 6 foot even height was on my side as well. But you know you get dreams like that and you really think you can make it there with enough practice and heart… you could be successful until your friends say it’s impossible to make it there…that your dream is pretty much out of reach. Then that dream is just about crushed. It makes you really think is it impossible for me to make. Do I really have what it takes to make it that far? It really makes you think. But with my heart and all my hard work I put into the game I’m not going give up just because of what my friends think. Just because their dreams are out of reach does not mean mine are. As long as I give it my all and really push for it, I believe I could one day be a pro basketball player, running right there with Cobey Bryant or even dunking over Shaq. Anything is possible if you keep your head up and your dream alive.

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