Motivation | Teen Ink


January 16, 2013
By TaraEllenbest BRONZE, Pasco, Washington
TaraEllenbest BRONZE, Pasco, Washington
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

People say that there is nothing more beautiful than a smile that has struggled through tears. Someone could live every day in fear or pain from a tragedy. They could be lonely or lost in the world. It’s those people who work through the rough times, and choose to look at the positive side of life, that are truly the most special people in this world.

Who knows why bad things happen. There’s no explanation for things like people dying from cancer or the stories I hear about when an innocent teenage girl was attacked by a shark. A simple ten minute drive to a friend’s house that suddenly turned into an ambulance ride to the hospital as one hangs on to his or her own dear life by a single thread. No one knows what’s going to happen. No one ever knows. No matter who you are or where you stand, you should be thankful. If nothing else be thankful that the ground isn’t shaking underneath your feet.
Compassion can lead people to do great things, so maybe the next time someone cuts you off while driving on the freeway or pulls into the exact parking spot you were going for, smile and know that maybe, just maybe, that person isn’t having a good day. Think that nobody has an idea of what is going on in another person’s life. The waiter that you snapped at for getting your order wrong, just found out his wife lost the baby they had been waiting for, for so long. The woman that you flipped off because she pulled into the gas pump quicker than you did, just found out that her husband is leaving her and her two children for his addiction to drugs. The little girl you glared at for accidently stepping on your foot was just told she had leukemia and has no idea what is going on. Think twice before you open your mouth. Whatever is hurting you, I guarantee there is someone in this world that is hurting from the same thing. Be strong. Be brave. Be grateful.

To give up is easy. To be strong is difficult. Life is nothing but a choice you make and how you choose to live it. Do what makes you happy. There’s really no way of figuring out what other people are going through, so think before you speak. Take an extra ten seconds out of your day to realize that everyone has hard times. It’s not just one person. We all got to stick together somehow.

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