Being There | Teen Ink

Being There

December 6, 2013
By Purplerebelgirl13 GOLD, Toronto, Other
Purplerebelgirl13 GOLD, Toronto, Other
13 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Me, I don’t have many problems compared to my friends. I have always been the advice giver, the all-knowing friend. The person who is basically your friend’s personal guidance consoler. But this year something changed. People’s problems got worse and worse and it felt like we- the advice givers, became helpless and pointless. Being powerless and watching people fall apart is one of the greater pains of life.

We all have those friends, you have the best time with them, but when it comes to mood swings they are the kings. Weather your friend has depression or cuts its awful. If you’re like me and you’ve been there at their worst and best, it kills you on the inside to see them suffer. When your texting them and behind the screen you feel defeated and like a failure.

When people enter that mindset there’s no going back. Hearing people have complete hatred of themselves rips you apart. I can’t help it but tell them what to live for and explain why they are worth it in this world. Then as a friend and an emotional crutch all you can do is be there when they fall. But in the heat of everything sometimes we forget when we need someone. The balance just isn’t there.

I know feeling this way makes me guilty but I can’t help it. Being over whelmed, mentally drained is a difficult way to be. But when your best friend is on the line you will do anything. Being best friends of harmers or hater is one of the most difficult things you will ever do. Be strong and be there for them always.

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