What Am I Meant For? | Teen Ink

What Am I Meant For?

December 9, 2013
By tatyana.lopez96 BRONZE, Brighton, Colorado
tatyana.lopez96 BRONZE, Brighton, Colorado
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist" -Pablo Picasso

I believe that every person in this lifetime has a purpose. Whether if they are meant to be a prize student, or save a life, or to be the star quarterback or an artist at heart. I believe that everything happens for a reason and whether if we see it now or not, we are all meant for something incredibly amazing in this world. No matter what it is that we are accomplishable at doing.

This has been a topic that has been spinning in my mind for a while now because I have yet to figure out what my purpose in life is. I know that they say that I am young and maybe my future path hasn’t been set for me just yet. But what is it that will make me stand out from the other people? As a senior in high school my opportunities are open and staring at me from a far, tempting me to become something. I don’t know what could possibly be in store for me. But I don’t believe that it has to do with the fact that I am young and naïve. I don’t think that it has anything to do with what comes after high school. I am the dreamer of the upcoming generation to take over. So why must I be naïve in the eyes of the “more mature” adults?
As a teenager I have everything ahead of me which will prove to the “more mature” that I am something in this world. But what they don’t understand already is that I am something in this world already. Everyone is something in this world no matter what their dreams ought to be. So why don’t my dreams matter? Because they are a dream? Dreams are my hopes and all of my wellbeing. That is the future of this world is everything that is settled into the minds of the young who dream and hope for different possibilities that are upon our future. So why don’t they matter now?

I have came to the point where I realize that what we believe in now, is only the outline to what is about to come. I don’t know what my purpose is in this Earth and I probably won’t for a while. But I hope and know that maybe there is something more for me than I could ever realize now. That’s what keeps me going and reaching my dreams.

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