How Washington D.C. Changed My Life | Teen Ink

How Washington D.C. Changed My Life

November 17, 2008
By Anonymous

Last April, the 8th graders of Batesville Middle School took a class trip to Washington D.C. I learned a lot when I went on that trip, but not just about all the places we visited. I learned about something that meant more to me; something that would last longer than the week that we stayed at the Holiday Inn.
On the bus ride up to D.C., everyone got along, except for when someone was snoring too loud. We finally arrived at Gettysburg, and I stayed with my large group of friends. When we got back to the hotel, my three closest friends and I talked about how our days were. We were so excited to be on our own and away from everything at home.
Every night, before going up to our hotel rooms, we'd all call our parents. In the beginning, none of us really missed anyone at home yet. But then, after being on our own for a couple of days, the phone calls to our parents started getting longer and longer. Then, one night, we all decided to talk to each other about how much we missed home.
We all loved being with each other everyday in D.C., but every single second was almost too much for us. Our roommates soon became like our second families, and even though we had our differences, we learned to get along. Not everybody would agree with everyone else; someone would always go to bed unhappy. We also learned that talking
about what we were mad about was always best, because it was easier to solve problems that way.
Ever since our trip to Washington D.C., I've learned a lot about my friends. You can know who your true friends are by just living with them for a week. I also learned to never let anything come between you and your friends, because most likely, the fight wouldn't be worth it in the end. Friendship is definitely something that is really important to me, and Washington D.C. was a really good experience.

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