Declaration from Gender Titles | Teen Ink

Declaration from Gender Titles

April 17, 2015
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When, in the course of gender inequality, it has become a custom that people, based on their gender, belong to a certain group and receives different rights and or benefits then the opposite sex. For gender inequality has become such a problem that people themselves are too scared to fix it. 

We hold these truths to be self evident—That all men and women were made to be equal, and have the same natural rights. All have the right to do as they please with their life and earn the proper wage based on job competence and professionalism instead of gender. Men and women should have the right to equally raise their children, with or without the opposite biological parent present. Genders should be able to love whomever they want without the fear of feeling degraded and separation based on the gender of his or her partner. Men and women of all ages and kinds should be defined by who they are as people and not by the rights that many have assumed belong to one or the other. In agreement, all people should be treated equally and should have equal opportunities with the same benefits.

Gender titles have caused a salary difference, where women earn .77 cents for every dollar a man makes doing the same job.

Gender titles have caused shame and embarrassment for any man who shows emotion.
Gender titles have caused shock to many that women are capable of opening a pickle jar without the help of a man.
Gender titles have caused job opportunities to be awarded to a certain gender rather then to the person who is applying for it.
Gender titles have caused women like me to stand down and not speak up about their rights as human being in fear of being belittled.
Gender titles have caused a loving father to be denied custody of his child because he isn’t the mother of the child and somehow that makes her more capable.
Gender titles have caused women to be at a higher risk of domestic violence and abuse at her work place rather then what she would be if she didn’t have a job.
Gender titles have caused the American population to question which gender rightfully deserves education more.
Gender titles have left many men and women scared to show their love and affection to the ones they love because of the way society sees them as a certain gender.
Gender titles have caused expectations for men to be at higher levels and consequently result in higher suicide rates.

I, therefore, the representative of feminists who not only support rights for women but support equality between both genders declare that, from this moment forward, all people of the United States Nation, man or woman, are expected to be treated as equal human beings.

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