Is a Person’s Worth Based on How Much They Produce? | Teen Ink

Is a Person’s Worth Based on How Much They Produce?

April 20, 2015
By Anonymous

The statement argues that does the person’s worth depend on how much he or she produces? However in my essay, a few questions should be raised to judge the statement’s validity. Are twenty pages better than ten for a term paper?  Is an all-you-can-eat buffet preferable to a gourmet meal? Is a huge lawn more desirable than a small yard? As we all know, nowadays, we always tend to value the quantity of productivity to determine how successful a person is. And we always think the more we do, the more we worth. Is that true? If those questions can be answered convincing? I’ll claim I can stay up with the statement.

  The main reason to sustain my highest idea is that we should focus on making quality product rather than on quantity in order to maintain successful events like company along with satisfied employees and stockholders. For example, one of the biggest recent scandals in the business world involved many executives from Enron. These men were focused on how much they could produce, on how much money they could make for themselves. And to increase their production, they don’t pay attention to quality and soled a product of poor quality then lead to a customer complaint. The total destruction of the entire company and ruined the lives thousands of Enron employees and investors. When we think about a person’s worth is based on how much he or she produces. We always can get a conclusion that the more we do, the more we worth. However, Enron thought that the more they produce the more money they can earn, in the end the great company ruin because of they only focus on the quantity.

  In our daily life, we all know that we can judge an author by measuring the number of books sold.  Author who sell millions of books are valued more than those who sell hundreds of books, so it appears that worth, in this case, is best judged by writer’s productivity. To set a specific example, when I am a freshman in my high school. My history teacher gave me a research paper for homework. At that night, I felt so tired, so I deiced to copy some paragraph form website. In a moment, I have ten pages paper for my homework. The next day I bring my ten pages paper with my guilty face to school. My classmates were so surprise how can I wrote so much for research paper. But I know it just a paper without using any from my mind. Obviously I didn’t get a high grade for that paper. In a similar way with the book-sell since one writer may produces a single work that becomes a best-seller in comparison to another writer who wrote dozens of works each of which sell a limited number. According to my personal experience, I think the quality of a product is far more important.

  For each person self-worth is based on many factors, including productivity. If we only focus on this particular standard for evaluating worth, however, we lose sigh of fact that quality is just as important as –if not more than-quantity. So for this reason, we should not believe that the more we do the more we worth. After all, the famous Greece writer Aesop once said that the niceness thing is because its quality instant of quantity.

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Aziz kizi said...
on Apr. 30 2015 at 10:27 pm
This is really an impressive work. I liked the examples that were given to support the idea. It is really convincing and well organised essay .