The Time I Got Stuck in the Snow | Teen Ink

The Time I Got Stuck in the Snow

December 5, 2018
By Anonymous

It was a cold winter day in january when this story began. I was only 15 years old and it was 2 weeks until i turn 16. I woke up at 5 am in the morning and looked outside to see that there was alot of snow on the ground and on my porch. The snow piled up against the door and we couldnt get out the house. The night before my mother she told me to shovel the snow before it snows in the morning. I wasnt really paying attention so i forgot to do it. So my mom yells up stairs for me to come down. I already knew what she was calling me down for so i wasnt really surprise. Before I went down stairs I hurried and put on some clothes pretending like i was gonna go out and shovel the snow. I ranned straight pass her to grab the shovel and go out side. I get outside and then my feet is getting barried in the snow. Im only 5"2 so the snow was my leg length. As i walked the snow got deeper and deeper. I found my self stuck in the snow for 30 minutes i couldnt move or anything. All i could hear is my mom calling my name and she looked outside for me and asked how did i get stuck. After that she tried getting me out but it didnt work so she called the ems. The ems came and helped me out and they took me to the hospital.

The author's comments:

I learned my lesson to listen to my mother when she tells me to do something.

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