No Homework | Teen Ink

No Homework

January 18, 2019
By wesshugh BRONZE, Mukwanago, Wisconsin
wesshugh BRONZE, Mukwanago, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Walking throughout the hallways at school, you will see kids sitting out in the hallway doing work, or just sitting there. If you ask them what they did to get out there, they probably will say they didn't do the homework. It probably makes you wonder why they didn’t do there homework.

Kids in America that go to school are usually tasked with 1 hour to 2 hours of homework each day, whether it is just math sheets, or a full on project due the next day. The amount of homework is too much. Even though the amount of homework given is judged by how long the classes are, homework amounts take up time for kids to relax.

Kids all over America dream of having no homework. According to the Daily Telegraph, having homework offers no academic advantage, and is only a waste of time. They also state when homework amounts increase, student achievement decreases. Homework also makes unneeded family tension. Also, it just wastes time when kids are doing the homework and don’t understand any of it. It just causes unneeded stress. The only way for kids to learn, is if teachers do their job and teach it.

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