Racial, Injustice | Teen Ink

Racial, Injustice

February 13, 2019
By KpopAddictatBTS BRONZE, Houston, Texas
KpopAddictatBTS BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 There are many racial views throughout the world by cultural and heritage reasons. In the book “The Hate U Give” Angie Thomas’ heritage is the exact as Starr’s and her neighborhood. Which had an effect on how Khalil died, how the police look into the investigation, and the justice the jury gave because of Khalil’s death and their friends and family. Their heritage might have been the reason of the injustice that Khalil and Starr received.

Thomas knew that using her heritage on the characters will have a different impact than if Starr and her neighborhood were white. “He opens the door. “‘You okay Starr-”’ Pow! One. Khalil’s body jerks. Blood splatters from his back.” Thomas (page 23). In this quote, it shows how Khalil was killed because of his heritage and by moving to ask Starr if she was okay. If Thomas had put them as white or another heritage, the police would have not shot him. Thomas put her heritage in the book to explain how people with her heritage may have to experience injustice with a white cop.

After Khalil died, Thomas decided to write the investigation to find why Khalil died. In page 103 Thomas wrote “‘Are y’all putting Khalil and Starr on trail or the cop who killed him.”’ It shows that they are only talking about Khalil and Starr because they are trying to get them in trouble. Also, the cops are trying to discredit both of them. Thomas wrote this in the book to show that the cops want to know a little bit about the cop. Since the cop is white and they are colored that made a great difference in the investigation. Thomas wrote this in her book to make a difference in other books, she is trying to tell her readers that this is what cops or detectives probably do to question her race. With her race, racist cops try to blame them instead of the actual suspect.

After the investigation, the officers go to the congress to testify what happened or what caused for Khalil to die. Starr then goes to the jury to testify since she was a witness. Thomas “‘ If you’re just tuning in the grand jury had decided not to indict Officer Brian Cruise Jr in the death of Khalil Harris.”’ (page 387). Thomas wrote this because she wanted her readers to know the injustice between the colored people. Colored people may not have as much justice because of their skin color.

Thomas shows in her book how when you try to get justice it can be unfair because of race or heritage. Thomas showed that by using Starr as the main character of the story.

 In “The Hate U Give” is about how race or racial issues can have an impact in society. That can get innocent people killed just because of who they are and how they live. Thomas made that clear by using her heritage for the main character. Thomas race also affects how the book will get reviews, the impact it has in the world, and the appreciation she gets for her book. Thomas is trying to show that there can be a lot of injustice just because of race.

The author's comments:

The essay is about the book "The Hate U Give" by Angie Thomas.

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