Name Activity | Teen Ink

Name Activity

November 17, 2021
By 23jenniferagoodine PLATINUM, Easley, South Carolina
23jenniferagoodine PLATINUM, Easley, South Carolina
24 articles 0 photos 2 comments

The name Jennifer means the fair one. It is of English origin. Personality meaning of the name Jennifer is courageous, determined, original, creative, a leader, sometimes you do not finish what you start. Jennifer is originally a version of the Welsh name Gwenhwyfar. The name is used for women of fair complexion.

I would say the meaning of my name describes me well. I have very fair skin that never tans. I can be courageous most of the time. I am very creative and original  I am not like everyone else. I am a leader when it comes to taking charge of a situation. The last one describes me well because I don't care to finish a Netflix show if I don't like it at all. 

In English my name means fair. It means leader, it means courageous. It is like Snow White. A fair princess. It is the Disney movies my cousins River and Raynne watch at my house when being a child, joyful like singing.

The author's comments:

This is the activity I had to do in English 3 Honors about the origin of my name

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Lydiaq ELITE said...
on Dec. 1 2021 at 9:13 am
Lydiaq ELITE, Somonauk, Illinois
179 articles 54 photos 1026 comments

Favorite Quote:
The universe must be a teenage girl. So much darkness, so many stars.

My mom is a Jennifer, and she matches these descriptions so much!