The greatest King of Israel | Teen Ink

The greatest King of Israel

September 22, 2022
By RyderWei0509 BRONZE, Irvine, California
RyderWei0509 BRONZE, Irvine, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The five original kings of Israel were all no good (except Josiah). Josiah is always considered the best king of Israel. When he came to power, Israel was divided into a billion kingdoms and only the tribe of Judah was on his side.One day, a priest named Hilkiah came to his palace shaking. In his hands were the lost book of Deuteronomy. Hilkiah then went to his room reading. He makes sure he reads every single rule in the book. To make sure that bad people don’t kind the “Holiest thing on Earth”.


Unlike most other kings, Josiah was determined. He reads every single rule in the scroll and makes sure, not only himself but other people follow them as well. When he marches to the northern part of Israel. He makes sure that every single pageant idol gets destroyed. He also brings back the people and tells them to pray to G-d in Jerusalem.

 He also made sure that his people were following the holidays ordered by G-d. Josiah was determined before he died to make his homeland, the place he ruled a better place. When Egypt was taking advantage of Israel’s weakened position, Egypt started invading. Josiah sent himself to the front lines, being brave, and was shot by one of the Egyptian archers. He was sent back to Israel to be buried.

Josiah was also brave. Instead of sending his own men to do his bidding, Josiah did it himself. He charged into Egyptian territory, trying to defend his homeland. This proves he really cares about his people (unlike some other kings I can mention, ahem Soloman and Rehoboam). Josiah was also brave when he listened to G-d’s orders (unlike some other kings, ahem Rehoboam). Josiah, straight up, was the best king of Israel.

Unlike some other kings, Josiah stands up. Saul was never a good king. Saul became king with a lottery in a soup bowl. He also had mood swings. He killed his own son and tried to kill his best friend.  King David was a great king in the beginning of his reign. He was adored by the people and was asked to become king. David started to fall in love with a widow named Bathsheba. David then started to forget his work and became a bad king. Solomon was also a good king in the beginning of his reign. G-d sends him a dream and asks him what he wants. Solomon responded by asking for wisdom. Solomon then started building a temple for G-d and forgot about his people’s well beings. Rehoboam was the worst of all. He also didn’t care for his people and finished his building projects. As you can see Josiah was the best of all of them.

The author's comments:

Leadership has always been an interest of mine, and Israel is one of the most interesting places on earth. Taking a look at its history was a pleasure. 

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