Mental health | Teen Ink

Mental health

December 13, 2022
By Anonymous

Are you someone that struggles with mental health? Nowadays life has been hard, and many people, especially teenagers or just kids in general, have been struggling with mental health issues. There are many things that can bring down your mental health and it is even worse when you feel as though you must struggle alone. Many people feel as though they cannot talk to anyone about it, or they feel like ending it all is the best answer. I feel like it is good to discuss how bad it can get and how you can make it better and how just doing little things can help you. It is also a good thing to just talk about what makes your mental health go down.   

Mental health is the emotional and psychological traits we have. Many people struggle with trying to keep a good mental state because of how they feel and what goes on in their lives. struggling with your mental health can start at a young age. It is more common to be found struggling the worst when you are a teenager because of all things we try to overcome at such a young age. There are things like social media and feeling overwelled in the world.

Social media can really affect a teen’s mental health because of how it portrays the real world. With social media not having much of a filter, you can see and get anything you want. One of the main problems with social media is that it portrays a standard that not everyone can reach. It will show you people that you might think are better than you and that can lower your confidence. Social media sets such high standards and as humans we think we are obligated to follow the standers and make ourselves better so that we can match it.

When your mental health starts to struggle, there are many problems that can be developed. Some of the more common problems that develop are anger, anxiety, bipolar, eating problems and depression.  

Anger when brought in by mental health is not just feeling mad about something and getting over it, it can run much deeper than that. It can be just getting mad for no reason or when anything happens you get mad. It could be instead of getting sad about something you get angry. The anger can be slight, or it can be to the point where you cause destruction. You can see anger in the way that a person looks, or how they act to certain things. If you notice that they have no patience, or get easily triggered, this is a common sign that they have anger problems when it comes to mental health.  

Anxiety when brought into mental health is fearing many things and even things that are not known to be scary. Anxiety is how you react to stress, danger, or any other uncomfortable situation. Anxiety is one of the more common struggles when it comes to mental health. It can be shown in ways such shaking or heart beating, or just  

It is easy to develop bad eating habits when you don’t feel like yourself. You can start to lose your appetite, or you can gain a bigger appetite. When you feel stressed out it is easy to forget to eat but you must always try your best to remember, and you can get people to remind you to eat as well so that you will not skip meals and self-sabotage. If you are ever feeling sad or going through a depression stage, then eating will not be the first thing on your mind you will lose your appetite. Many people think that people may starve themselves because they don’t like the way they look, but sometimes it’s just because being sad makes you lose appetite and especially being sad for longs periods at a time.  

As someone who struggles with mental health, I understand how bad it can get. There are days where it just feels like you don’t want to do anything, and you just are not motivated and like you’re doing it for nothing. When suicide is brought up a lot of people feel as though they won’t get to that point even though they are depressed, but sometimes you don’t even recognize that you feel like that. You can be saying things like it won’t get that bad, but once it starts to get bad for you as much as it does for other people then you will see how they felt as though they were pushed to it. I myself used to say that it would never be the answer and I never used to understand why people did it but once I started to experience mental health problems it did start to feel like an option. It can be small things that make it get bad and even though it is small it is never okay to invalidate it.  

As we start to get older life does get harder and that is when the problems of mental health start, if you do not know how to deal with it.  Some bad habits that can be developed are the habit of not communicating. A lot of people are not very good at communicating when it comes to talking about those kinds of things. Many people would just feel like they can't communicate because they just don’t want anyone to know, or they just feel like others would not understand. There is no easy way to communicate how you are feeling, but sometimes you can just speak it out loud. You can also just ease your way into talking about it by talking about it in small sections and not just trauma dumping in one go. Many people also don’t communicate well because of the response that they get in return. They feel as though no one cares or it is just a waste of time to talk it out when they don’t get the right response.  

Another bad habit is that many people have not done anything that would make them better mentally. This habit is extremely difficult to change, especially with habits that are incorporated into everyday life. Most of the time people don’t know what bad habits they have because it is such a common habit, and if you don’t know that it is a bad habit that just makes it even harder to fix it. Bad habits can lead to your mental health not getting better or they could've been caused by the struggle with mental health. even though you may not recognize that it is a bad habit that is hurting you, you can do a self-analysis, and have other people see if they recognize it.  

Some people feel as though mental health isn't something that can be fixed, and they resort to unhealthy methods such as self-harm and maybe even death. Even though it may feel like it can’t be fixed as time goes by and you start to do things that you like, you’ll notice that you are happier. In some cases, it just takes time for it to get better and you just must do the hard things in life for it to get better. You can also try and get rid of things that are stressing you out. If it is a person, then most of the time it is good to just get that person out of your life. Sometimes it is a person that you can’t get rid of like a parent, it is best to just talk to them about what they are doing and help them change their ways so that they are not messing you up anymore.  

As a teenager it can be hard to deal with a struggling mental health, and it good to talk about it and recognize it. I feel as though it is not talked about as much as it should be, seeing as though it affects in life all the time. Menta health is very important, and anyone can be struggling with it. there is always a way to make it better and it is never too late to get better.

The author's comments:

this piece is to discuss what mental health and what it's like when you are struggling with it. i wrote about this because I myself struggle with it and it easy to understand what people go through when you talk about it or struggle yourself. this is really just for awareness and make a voice for it. 

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