A diamond in the rough | Teen Ink

A diamond in the rough

February 7, 2023
By Anonymous

Screaming and hollering echoed throughout my house as I sit on the bathroom floor scared for the safety of my family and I. This is a regular occurrence in the Taylor/Sinex household so you’d think I would be used to it by now but that is definitely not the case. Even now after all these years I still get scared and nervous when people scream around me. The screaming was coming from my mom and dad, my so called father would pick fights with my mom over any little thing. At first I would just try to get away from them so I was not able to hear what was going on but eventually I felt that I needed to be around to protect my mom. As years went on the arguments only got worse and more aggressive because of my father. I was always so scared of him laying his hands on her and I knew I needed to be there to stop him if he tried to. 

You see throughout my whole life my father has been in and out of jail which was nice because when he wasn’t around I felt at peace. My father was and still is a drug addict and always put drugs before his family. I remeber years when we would struggle with having a meal or place to stay everynight and my father making it worse by stealing money from my mom for his own needs. Seeing my mom cry because she does not want us to live a life like the one we were living struck a nerve in my body and made me want to make sure that one day we won’t have to. I started helping out my mom more so she didn’t feel as much pressure as before because practically being a single mom to 7 kids has to be hard.

Although I resent my father I somewhat have him to thank for helping me find my interest. As the arguing continued I found myself finding other methods to distract myself from the chaos, I began with reading which lead into me loving to write stories as well. I also began to research other artistic activities and really liked photographing and editing so I got into that. I began to use photography as an escape from my life, when things would get to scary for me I would leave to go take photos of anything I found beautiful. To me it was like finding a diamond in the rough, finding these hobbies and possible career choices because of my chaotic home life.

So yes some might say I had a terrible childhood and I would agree to an extent but it has made me the person I am today and lead me down a path of finding my passions and for that I am so grateful. 

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