What the healthcare System can Learn From Confucianism | Teen Ink

What the healthcare System can Learn From Confucianism

March 8, 2023
By Anonymous

The healthcare system in America needs to undergo a huge change in order to fix its many problems. Along with extremely expensive services, this industry is riddled with racist and sexist undertones. With our healthcare system in shambles, we can only turn to the past, and learn from it. The ancient Chinese philosophy, Confuciansim, believes in the importance of relationships throughout one’s life. These relationships include ruler to subject, father to son, older brother to younger brother, husband to wife, and friend to friend. However, the relationship between the caregiver and patient is just as important. Trust and respect plays an important role in these relationships. Yet in this industry, this relationship is messed up, whether it’s on the basis of wealth, race, or gender. 

Although America is the “land of the free'' , healthcare is excluded from that narrative, with money being a driving issue. In recent years healthcare providers have become increasingly money hungry. Because of this, costs are at an all time high. Although healthcare insurance can help with costs, many people can’t access it. If they can, the coverage isn't always adequate. According to PR Newswire during the Covid-19 pandemic more than 43 percent of working adults had inadequate healthcare insurance. Of those who reported problems, 26 percent were unable to afford basic necessities. Because of this lack of affordability patients are hindered from receiving care. Pr Newswire also states that 58 million adults reported inability to pay for needed drugs in 2020. Simply the access to good, affordable healthcare, or good insurance is declining. How is it a “public” healthcare system when most adults don’t have fair access to it? 

 St Catherine University found that 45 percent of black adults reported financial problems. But it doesn’t end there. Data shows that insurance could also racially segregate the care that patients receive. In a report by the Institute of Medicine, in 2003, researchers concluded that racial and ethnic minorities receive worse healthcare than white people. These biases and discrimination could discourage people of color to enter the healthcare field, leading to less diversity and representation in the industry. There are also many dangerous, incorrect assumptions about people of color in this industry. St. Catherine University explains that back in the 19th century racist doctors made up “facts” such as black people having thicker skin and less sensitive nerve endings, so as to justify not giving enough medication, and the incorrect treatment. These misconceptions are still being spread to medical students. This systemic racism in the healthcare system is something that people refuse to address, but is very prominent. 

Following this, sexism is another huge issue facing our healthcare industry. Cedars Sinai expresses how medical training is with the assumption of the average patient being a white male. This in turn makes the caregiver ill-equipped to provide care for a female patient. However,

doctors and other professionals must understand the biological differences between male and female, to keep everyone safe, and treat people accordingly. 

The founder of Confucianism, Confucius wouldn’t stand for many of these issues. For example, Confucius himself said, “Wealth and honor obtained through unrighteousness are but floating clouds to me.” Since caregivers just want wealth and honor and don’t care to give the basic right of healthcare to everyone. By not giving fair access, for consumers, to services these caregivers have obtained wealth and honor through unrighteous acts. 

 According to Columbia University, “Confucius ( a political philosopher who lived c. 551-479 B.C.) expressed a belief in the fundamental similarity of all persons and in the perfectibility and educability of each individual.” We need to convey the message of everyone being equal. By doing this, doctors can be properly educated on how to treat people of color and other genders. After all, if this philosopher who lived during ancient times believes in the educability of each individual, shouldn’t we too? Shouldn’t we make sure the people who we trust with our well being should be educated properly on how to treat us? Without being able to trust the education of the doctors, we can’t build a healthy relationship with them.       

The healthcare industry has several examples of unjust treatment. We need to look back and learn from the past and see how Confucianism teachings can apply today. To be able to have a healthy medical industry, and healthy relationships with doctors and other caregivers. Without this respect and trust gained in these relationships, this health economy will continue to decline.  We need to make drastic changes now to save our future. 

The author's comments:

Writing this essay has really opened my eyes to the injustice surrounding the healthcare system. I hope this will also make others more aware, and change can happen soon!

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