Games | Teen Ink


May 24, 2023
By Pajero SILVER, Krym, Delaware
Pajero SILVER, Krym, Delaware
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

 I’m a big fan of video games. I love to play most of my free time, I play sport simulators, I play shooters and I watch cyber-sport. In my opinion it does not affect my life in a bad way, I do not spend 16 hours a day on games. Yes, video games are a big part of my life, but this is nothing bad.
Many parents disallow their kids to play “cruel and violent” video games, because on their opinion teens will become cruel, and act like in video games, like stealing cars, robbing people and kill people. Their “source” why this happens is usually Facebook or TV.
Their second arguments are “Video games make teenagers cruel.” Which is dumb, because if a person with anger issue plays video games, it's not the problem of creators. But if person without mental problems, with healthy mind I’m pretty sure that you will not kill people after playing one game in Counterstrike or Call of Duty.
   In one thing they will be right. Video games really steal my time sometimes. Instead of doing something useful, I’m playing video games. But I’m not 100% agree with this argument, because games are the thing that I like that I enjoy, so I don’t think I really spend time uselessly.
   My argument for video games is that video games develop reaction and teamwork. “Video Games Speed up Reaction Time.” How it says in this source, good players in some video games have better reactions which increase in time with experience. Also, video games help you to improve your teamwork. Why? Because in video games you can’t just silently play. For win you need at least some communication with your teammates.
   Some people says that video games make teens psychos and other bad things with mental problems. Usually they say something like “Video games make your vision worse.”
 There are many sources whose explain that nothing will happen give the information. (Penttila) This article explains why this is a lie, and why video games not so cause of violence. "While there is some evidence that playing violent video games can increase aggression, there is no consensus among researchers that it leads to criminal violence or real-world aggression."
   In conclusion I want to say that even if I support video games, I don’t support paying 24/7. I like to play in my free time, and I don’t think that I became too aggressive or something like that. I have many friends, who also didn’t become aggressive. The only situation when I agree with parents is when kids like 8 playing too many video games and they’re mentally not stable because they are small, so they are becoming aggressive but not only because of video games. They became aggressive because of the bad situation in their family and other things like that.
Penttila, Nicky. “Do Violent Video Games Lead to Violence?” Dana Foundation, Dana Foundation, 30 Oct. 2019,Link on the source

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