Carrer | Teen Ink


June 2, 2023
By Anonymous

If I had no limits for what job I could have, I would move out to Los Angeles and do something in the car industry. I would want to have my own shop or work for a bigger company. Since I was a kid I've always been a car guy and my dad working at a dealership just enforced that. One thing my dad tells me all the time is that if you want to find a job that you like getting up in the morning for, then it's not a job. In my words it tells me that if I can find a job that makes me happy and I enjoy doing that would be amazing. The field that would make it not feel like a job and more of just having fun, It would be working in L.A. in the car field.

The way my interest sparked for cars was when I was little, during the book fairs at my grade school they would have posters of a green lamborghini and I thought it was the coolest thing. I remember, I convinced my parents to let me buy the poster and hang it in my room. After that I started to ask my dad about what the car was because at the time I had no idea what car it was. Then I paid more and more attention to cars and everything about them. 

If money was an issue and I do have some limits, I would go to school around here and either have a career in mental health or personal finance. I'm still not sure what I would like to do after I'm fully done with school but as of right now, those are the 2 topics that interest me the most. I suspect that to change, it’s just a matter of when it does and what field or topic sparks an interest. 

Mental health sparks an interest in me because I like to say I’ve been through a lot and I've been able to find ways to handle any situation. I just don't like when people are alone because I know how that feels and it's awful. If I can prevent that, that would be my goal.

Personal Finance is just a class I took last year and I didnt think it would end up being one of my favorite classes I've taken here. I don't know why I like it so much but it just comes very naturally to me. 

The dream is to work something in the car field but it still makes me worry if I'll ever be able to work in that field or not. The most likely thing is personal finance but I still won't close the door on working in the car field.

The author's comments:

I'm all over the place about what I want to do 

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