How to Survive a Trip with Your Family | Teen Ink

How to Survive a Trip with Your Family

May 30, 2024
By fill2425 PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
fill2425 PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
21 articles 0 photos 0 comments

How to survive a road trip to Florida with your family. This trip is very long, multiple hours in a cramped car with your family. Losing sense of having your own space. Not having enough room to move your legs around to stretch them out. This is how you survive a road trip with your family.

The first and most important item needed is headphones. These are a lifesaver for a road trip with your family. You can put these on whenever you feel like it. When you want to watch Hangover instead of talking to your sister you do that. If your mother starts to sing Shake It Off, you put the headphones on to listen to hip hop or country. 

A must-need item for the trip is snacks. My family dislikes the fact of stopping for them and always suggests bringing your own. Even while stopping to fill up for gas, there is not a single chance that you will step foot into the gas station. My parents hate to spend money on unnecessary items. So if you do pack some snacks on the way, anything like popcorn or even crackers should be fine. 

You should bring a pillow with a blanket as well. This is important since you can take a nap whenever you want to. Instead of sleeping on the headrest, the pillow gives you comfort. If it gets a little cold, you can apply the blanket and get some warmth from it. This is also a great way to ignore your family shenanigans, by either taking a nap or by fake sleeping.

 . By making sure that you have all these items, the trip will feel very smooth and enjoyable. This is how you survive a trip to Florida with your family. 

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