Classroom Compositions | Teen Ink

Classroom Compositions

February 1, 2013
By Davvio BRONZE, Union City, Pennsylvania
Davvio BRONZE, Union City, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Truth is, everyone's gonna hurt you, you just have to find the ones worth suffering for."

The composition of the kinds of students in a classroom dictates how the class will behave in many ways. Some people say that the school and the teacher are more important when in a classroom, but the students choose to cause the problems and such. The learning environment is what makes many students, including and especially me, do either phenomenally, or terribly. The frequency of class disruption can make many students feel as if class is going nowhere. The overall average is important not only for the students, but the entire school, the teacher, and the state that the school happens to be in, not to mention the U.S. when said students become adults. Classroom student composition affects averages by affecting the learning environment, the frequency of disruptions, and the overall average of the class.

The students’ learning environment means a lot to how they can learn. Many do not understand this, as students act like students, but a worse environment is a bad influence. Smaller classes are actually not better than bigger ones. If enough good students are mixed into one class, everyone would be paying attention, and actually getting something out of each class. Sometimes, a social issue crops up in class, and that could degrade the learning environment. However, a social life and a large class isn’t all that anyone should worry about, as to the mindset of the students, and how often they misbehave.

The frequency of disruption in a class is a major factor played in the grand scheme of education. Even though disruption and misbehavior is a part of life, it can slow classes down tremendously. Some students just simply lack the ability to be quiet. When these students get mixed in with the students who try to do well, problems ensue. The factor of noise during work time is a large part of how the class moves along. My social studies teacher freaks out whenever anyone speaks out of turn, and when I timed how long he shouted for, it’s almost always a time of five minutes or longer. With that happening a few times every class period, the subject moves along very slowly, and we get little done each day. However, even if students were well behaved, that does not excuse if their grades are terrible.

The overall average of the class is one of the largest factors playing in education, and our country. A bad average could attract the attention of officials, and cause numerous problems for the school or students. If the class did well, these problems would not exist. With a good class, when they grow old enough and are released into the world, the United States of America would be improved, and maybe wrench us out of the problems that are around us today. Maybe if the country saw these simple truths, we would be in a position of importance in this broken world.

Classroom student composition affects averages by affecting the learning environment, the frequency of disruptions, and the overall average of the class, and when things take a turn for the worse, America’s future takes a blow. A bad learning environment acts just like Lake Erie when it was polluted – very, very detrimental to the student’s education! With frequent class disruption, even if people could learn things, it would be drowned out by the interference. Without good class averages, the government would shut many schools down, and make education a luxury, not a basic right. A bad education is like a poison that will last a student’s lifetime, but the only antidote that can be given is the kind that involves the student’s responsibility and willingness to get a good education.

The author's comments:
I wrote this because I do not enjoy certain classroom issues, like always being stuck with the children that never behave, or prevent me from learning anything.

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