William Shakespeare Biography Summary | Teen Ink

William Shakespeare Biography Summary

January 19, 2015
By Cristal_Jimenez BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Cristal_Jimenez BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Hard work beats talent when talent doesn&#039;t work hard. <br /> <br /> -unknown

William Shakespeare was a writer that is known until today; although’ he was born April 23, 1564. since there is no verification of Shakespeare’s birth it is assumed to be April 23, because he was baptised April 26, 1564. He is considered a mysterious man,due to the fact that there is a minimum amount of records for his existence. Shakespeare was the third  of six children. The fact of there being a slight amount of ways to trace him caused it to be indefinite of where he attended school.

Shakespeare did marry in his lifetime; his wifes name was Anne Hathaway. There being a eight year difference between them did not stop the from conceiving children. Their children were twins. Unfortunately, one did die at the age of eleven.  After the death of the child, Shakespeare disappeared for some time. later, he became what he is so known for today , a writer. He was divergent to the other writers. Shakespeare created his own words, which made him unique and the plays appealing. His job as a writer made him spend most of his time in the city. However, he bought a house; this house was named the new house.

Unfortunately, Shakespeare died on his birthday,April 23, 1616. he was interred April 5, 1616. this was at Trinity Church. An extravagant amount of his dominion was left for his daughter, Susanna. His actions simulated rumors. It was said that he was not adjacent to his wife and that “ she had fallen out of favor”. Shakespeare left behind an everlasting legacy. he is a writer that will be discussed about for eternity.

The author's comments:

William Shakespeare left a legacy behind for all writers to be inspired by.

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