Sick Students Get the Desperate Help They Deserve | Teen Ink

Sick Students Get the Desperate Help They Deserve

September 15, 2017
By LexiKilton BRONZE, Mukwonago, Wisconsin
LexiKilton BRONZE, Mukwonago, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Students are getting sick more often now of days than they use too. In Mukwonago, Wisconsin, one school has developed a sick folder. These folders have been around this school for a long time and have really paid off. The folders are prepared by the guidance counselors for students that are sick.  All of the  homework students miss from being gone from school is in there. These folders help students make up their school work while they are sick, so they do not have double the homework when they return to school.  The best part is, the folders are ready at the conclusion of the school day for a family member to pick up.

Just picture this scenario got up at her normal time of 5:30 a.m. to start the day. As she was getting ready, she started to feel under the weather. Before she knew it she was throwing up right before she was supposed  to leave for the bus. The girl had a sky high fever and was deeply depressed the entire day because next day she had a busy night and did not want to miss any of her activities. The student was wailing the entire day as she was throwing up buckets. Since she has an amazing mom, her mom called and see if she could get her homework for the time she was out ill. The secretary explained to her mom about the sick folder, which made the girl’s day. Later that day the girl’s mom picked up her homework and she brought it home as the young girl started to cry again because she was so delighted. The girl was able to finish all of her homework and she could then go to all of her activities the following day provided she was feeling better, and then she was as happy as a clam. When the student returned to school she was able stay caught up on her work and still keep her astonishing grades.


Some students have some thoughts about the sick folders. Kayla says,” It is helpful, it also saves time so you do not have to go to all of your classes, plus your locker.” Sia later states,” It is helpful when you miss more than one day, and it is easily accessible.” So, many students find the folders beneficial and handy.


Sick Folders give the students a sigh of relief and a breath of fresh air when they get ill. The folders not only help students worry less but they are a great tool for students to keep their grades up so that their grades do not take a drop like water in the Niagara Falls when they feel poorly. In schools that do not have the sick folders, kids may have difficulties keeping their grades up and may neglect completing missed assignments due to illness. Where in schools that do have sick folders, kids will sustain high achieving grades and will complete the homework that his/her peers were assigned in class. Clearly, sick folders are favorable for all students to maintain outstanding grades, feel less stressed when returning to school after an illness, and are easily accessible for families when they desperately need it.

The author's comments:

This article is about students who get sick and how schools have intevented sick folders to help those students complete their work. 

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