What Matters | Teen Ink

What Matters

May 4, 2009
By Kaitlin Crowdus BRONZE, Minot, North Dakota
Kaitlin Crowdus BRONZE, Minot, North Dakota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

What Matters
teen ink

“Amen.” That word is heard every Sunday morning across the world to every race, religion, and gender. Yet, it holds a meaning of it’s own for each individual; for a young kid it could mean “Finally church is over” or to a elder it could mean “Thank you for the wonderful life I’ve lived.” We all hold our own secret prayers in our hearts, and we let them be heard at church. If there is one thing in life that no one can live without, it’s faith.

Think of faith as a road map in life, there are many different roads that can be taken, such as short cuts, scenic views, highways, and the mountainous climbs just to get to one place. Maps, just like life can be confusing. Their is a key that should be helpful, but that just gets everyone's eyes crossed with all the lines and colors, but in the end the map will always help you get to where you need to be. Having faith is not just about getting to where you need to go, it is about having something to believe in, something to look forward to. Life is random and crazy, filled with moments of pure happiness and moments of such sadness it was a wonder how life could go on. During these times there has always been a guidance not seen helping and leading us to believe in a better tomorrow and to be thankful for today.

There is faith in yourself, faith in another, and faith in God. Life would be nothing without faith; there would be nothing to hope for. So follow your dreams and have enough faith in yourself, in another, and in God to make that dream a reality.

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