Different State | Teen Ink

Different State

May 12, 2009
By Anonymous

Where have you been in the world? In my life I have been around the United States a few times. I turn 18 on February 22, 2011.

First of all I have always wanted to be with my sister (Shasta Stine), and move out of state with her. If I stay with my sister my whole life and we do things together such as travel or do something we both like, maybe our kids could do the same things and see what we saw in our life.

How do you feel about North Carolina? My sister and I both love it out there and we have had plans to move there together. We have been so close our whole life but even though we had different parents we can still say we are sisters. It feels so happy to do what I want and get out and away from our parents when we turn 18. I love the beach the most because it is very relaxing and we can be out there all night if we wanted to. The looks of the waves are so cool that it calms everyone down. Most kids stay at home with their parents. Why?

Shasta and I have grown up together, but in different homes and I don’t think we could separate if we had to. Shasta is 17 now, she will be 18 on December 27, 2009 and we are so excited.

Well I hope you and your families will do the same and stay together and give the love to your parents, brothers, sisters, and kids that I give mine.

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