Hitting A Parked Car! | Teen Ink

Hitting A Parked Car!

May 14, 2009
By daeshell burton BRONZE, Kenner, Louisiana
daeshell burton BRONZE, Kenner, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Hitting a Parked Car!

I woke up that morning with an unusual aura surrounding me. That day was somewhat peculiar, seeing as; I’d woken up with a very cramped right leg. Just as I was finishing my morning routine, I noticed the clock had stricken 6:34. I glanced at myself in the mirror. That marked, what would become, the day I hit a parked car.

It was rather foggy outside that morning. I wobbled onto the dew-covered grass, only to find that I only had about thirty seconds to arrive at the bus stop. My leg was throbbing as I continued to push forward. He red flashing lights suddenly approached. Before I knew it, the bus was driving away without me. I limped my way back home in shame.

Later that day, I was brought to the dermatologist. The same old things were said, and the same old procedures were done. After my glycolic acid peel, I was instructed to rinse my face. The tingling sensation lingered as I exited the dermatologist’s office. I had never driven before. I would always sit in the driver’s seat and play with the gear shift. I absent-mindedly put the keys in the ignition. It had gotten rather scorching outside. The air conditioner began to blow its cool air upon my, now burning, face.

I remember placing the car in reverse. My foot was on the brake; or was it on the gas? Anyway, the automobile began to roll backward. In an instant, my life began to flash before my eyes. The sandbox, finger-paint, and the Crayola crayons. Very vivid images began to flood my mind. I said aloud, “OH FATHER GOD IN HEAVEN!”

These mishaps seldom happen to me. I will NEVER forget the day I hit a parked $42,000 car. Luckily, the insurance paid for the damages. Phew! Talk about a memorable day!

The author's comments:
I hope that young readers will learn from my mistake. Remember, there is a time and a season for every life experience. Sometimes we just have to be patient.

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