T is for Tazz | Teen Ink

T is for Tazz

April 22, 2009
By Melany Schwab BRONZE, Rockford, Michigan
Melany Schwab BRONZE, Rockford, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

T is for Tazz. Tazz is my Boston terrier. We got Tazz from a shelter. He has been with us ever since he was six weeks old. Most Boston terriers are mostly black. Tazz is mostly white though. Tazz has brown eyes, and he is really small for a Boston terrier too. When Tazz was a puppy, he was small enough to fit in the palm of my dad’s hand.
What he is able to do and not able to do is all because of us. Raising a pet is like raising a child. I have trained him to do certain things and not do certain things. I feed them. We have given him a home. I most definitely love him no matter what he does.
Tazz loves to play tug-o-war. Tazz and tug-o-war is like a lion chasing its prey. When Tazz isn’t sleeping, he is playing. We always take Tazz to the beach because he loves to swim in the lake. When he is finished playing in the water, he comes out and shakes from being so cold.
I’m like Tazz’s mother. I feed him, I get him, water I trained him, and I take him everywhere. I know they say a dog is a man’s best friend. But Tazz is my best friend. Tazz and I are like peanut butter and jelly. We’re like macaroni and cheese or cheese and crackers. Tazz and I just go together.

The author's comments:
I wrote this piece because I love Tazz. He is my best friend. Tazz is amazing,i know they say a dog is a mans best friend but tazz is my best friend.

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