Literary Criticism for Siddhartha | Teen Ink

Literary Criticism for Siddhartha

May 20, 2009
By Kyle Moye BRONZE, Summerfield, North Carolina
Kyle Moye BRONZE, Summerfield, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Behold, a research assignment designed to investigate the criticisms of the analysis of various works of literature. In proceeding with the following paper, I must state my case. While delving into the project I came to the realization that the objective was no more than to familiarize ourselves with the critiques of diction, structure, and so on for many a novel. However, on my quest to do so I ultimately failed to find such necessary information, in addition to the lack of liability for me to confide in my resources I could try to use.

Here I lay, scribbling violently as a badger on the lam speaking my mind on how my english essay backfired, As illequipped as it may sound, vigorously did I search for vaible information to report on whether the diction was strong , or structure parallel. Unfortunately I came out empty handed and lack a necessary means for which would allow me to go about properly finishing my paper. Although this may seem foolish I shall continue with while I failed to find an outside opinion, I still have mine. Through my eyes, Hermann Hesse does an outstanding job of portraying the importance of the search for self-enlightment in the book, Siddhartha. Not to mention his usage of formal and informal language conveys his keen ability to comprehend the way of the Buddha. Who would have thought?

While neatly wrapping up the present which is this paper, I bring forth one more statement. The simple fact that the research within my very grasps ended up harming me in the long run. While scouring the internet, my eyes witnessed but on possibility of a reliable source. As I chose to acknowledge what the site had to offerm slowly but not slowly it came to my attention how the infornmation on said site was merely a waste and lacked support to cure my infected research. Though it seems my information to be insufficient, the only reliable source left to turn to was me and the book, which ended up proving to be justa as much as a waste considering no outside research on the topic of outside literary analysis for Siddhartha could be in sight. Perhaps nex time my luck shall not be so raw.

Sweating and buckets and dripping nerves have been but the key ingredient for this recipe of a makeshift research paper. As vividly as you can see, the issue was my failure to locate necessary information on the designated topic, in addition to the lack of liability for me to confide in my resources. Instead of letting the hoplessness of the situation get the best of me, I feel as though my action have been most beneficial seeing as I too can become the Buddha. Hopefully next time the assignment at hand will contain more attainable research of confusion.

The author's comments:
This was an assignment for my AP English and Composition Class. I received a 0.

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