Ace | Teen Ink


November 25, 2008
By Anonymous

This is a poem of a boy named Ace.
He liked to keep pace in every race.
He liked to go up, down, and all around.
He liked to be first he was very rehearsed.
Until one day which caused him dismay.
A rival let’s say on this very day.
That beat him at every race, Her name was Grace.
So he decided to take up a different hobby in the upstairs lobby.
So sitting by a lamp he came across a stamp.
So he took up stamp collecting. He thought it was rather boring so the next
Morning he decided to write poems. He wrote many poems as his hobby in the upstairs lobby.
He loved his new hobby. Ace became the greatest poet of his time, always with rhyme.
Children all over the world cherished each word of each poem.

The author's comments:
I wrote this poem because some things just come in my head very rarely and I also joined cross country this year so it reminded me a little bit of myself.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jun. 22 2010 at 11:54 am
Caitlyn_ilovesoftball GOLD, Douds, Iowa
15 articles 9 photos 105 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Hello Cat-i-lynn Mill-ard-o,&quot; -friends<br /> &quot;Stop saying that!! My name ain&#039;t Cat-i-lynn Mill-ard-o!!&quot; -Me<br /> &quot;Okay, fine, Hello Cat.&quot;-friends<br /> (GRRRRR)<br /> ----Also----<br /> &quot;You a turtle on steroids!&quot;-friends<br /> &quot;Hahaha, I know&quot; -ME

I'd like to know who wrote this, its very good, and somewhat familiar.. hmm