My Name | Teen Ink

My Name

October 6, 2021
By James2274 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
James2274 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

   In Chinese, my name mean 刘增红。In English, my name means James Liu or smart. In chinese, I was born in the year of the monkey which I don’t understand if I should know or not. My dad and I were born in the year of the monkey. It is the most common name in the world. Also, being called a year of the monkey is also common in male in China.

Monkeys are smart, agile, and have active characteristics, like my name. . . Monkeys are smart because they know how to use tools. They are active because they move a lot and are agile because they know how to move very fast. 

My name is fast. My name is agile. It is a bright yellow. The strong rays of the sun beating down on your skin. Waking up and looking out your window to see the sun shining in. You smile and jump out of bed, knowing that it will be a good day. It is a tree. Small at first, but growing and growing each day into a tall, strong force. Extending strong and far like the leaves and branches.           

My name is the beach. Peaceful. I can go swimming, lay in the sand, and make sand castles . Also you get to go with your family. Sit there all day wondering when you think the world is gonna end or when new technologies are gonna get built. Also when you leave the beach and you would ponder when you will come back and play with your friend too.

My name makes me think of my dog. Running around the house. Barking at people because he was sad, excited or really happy. Jumping very high. Wanting to lick your face. Wants to be held. Sitting and wagging his tail, waiting for me to pet him. 

I am smart like my name. Sometimes my parents don’t know something and forget about it. I jumped in to help them. I am agile and fast when I am working at my family restaurant and I work with fried rice and make it very fast so the order can be complete. My relaxation is that I sit there and watch youtube videos when I am at a family restaurant. It was peaceful when there were not a lot of orders in the kitchen. The fun part is me going home and playing video games.

I should keep my name because my mom called me 刘增红. It means monkey and this fits me. I act like a monkey. Because I use my hand to pick up tools to make things better and also my feelings so I will be running like the wind to my destination.

        But sometimes I really want to be called John because I feel like I am John Wick. Where I do some mission impossible that is out of my comfort zone. Probably a hard homework assignment or video game that you need to use brain thinking or solving murder mystery games.

The author's comments:

This is a piece of my name

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