The Little Nightingale | Teen Ink

The Little Nightingale

October 25, 2021
By AabhaV BRONZE, San Ramon, California
AabhaV BRONZE, San Ramon, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It burned her eyes like searing fire, and only after what felt like an eternity was she free to go. Blackness surrounded her, it would for hours, as she wasn’t allowed to open her burning eyes. She gripped her uncle's hand tightly as they walked to the venue. Ignoring her pain and discomfort, she decided to practice her piece. A sweet melody filled the air as she started to sing. Her voice was as pure as a nightingale’s. She moved the focus from the dark, constant throbbing to her beautiful music. She sang as she clutched her uncle’s hand, forgetting everything else, her eyes, the contest and just focused on the music. The blackness was only restricting her sight, not her voice, it no longer engulfed her like before and ceased to bother her.  She let the music wash over her, like cool ocean waves on a hot summer day. Feeling every beat and every note, she let herself drown in the joy singing brought her. She felt her uncle’s hand relax along with hers as they walked. The music faded to a stop when they reached the contest venue. She took a deep breath as her uncle took her to register, ready to fill the audience’s hearts and minds with a beautiful performance.

The author's comments:

This set-piece is an excerpt of a story where I tried to mimic the writing style of Raymond Carver. Like his, it is a story within a story, however, this excerpt doesn’t include the narrator’s part, it is just the inside story. Also, like him, I didn’t include quotations in the dialogue. The set-piece is about my great-grandmother, who was a talented singer. In the outside story, all of her family, her children, their children and their children meet on Zoom to honor her on her 100th birthday, 21 years after her passing. A grand-child of hers narrates this set-piece. In the set-piece, she wants to attend a music contest. However, she has an eye treatment right before, which requires her to keep her eyes closed for hours afterwards. Although her family discourages her from going, she is adamant. Her uncle takes pity on her and decides to take her to the contest. In this set-piece I like and relate to the part where she sinks into the music and allows it to help her forget her worries and problems. 

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