'2021 Kindness Contest: washing the dog.' | Teen Ink

'2021 Kindness Contest: washing the dog.'

November 19, 2021
By James2274 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
James2274 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

 I was at home watching TV when my mom and dad came downstairs. 

“The dog needs a bath today.” My mom looked at my dad. 

“Sorry, I haven’t had time, but maybe right now?” 

“James, can you help?” My mom asked. 

They both looked at me, waiting for a response. I frowned, but I got up to go help. 

First, my dad grabbed the clipper to clip the dog nails. The dog looked so scared that he was jerking away and wanted to be put down, but we gave him a treat to calm him down. He ate it and Charlie seemed a little better.

Next we put him in the laundry room sink. We washed his legs, feet, then my dad put shampoo, scrubbed it on him, and we washed him down. He looks very weird when he is having a bath. We dry him with a towel from head, ears, leg, feet, and body but he still looks wet. So we got a blow dryer and dried him off. He ran upstairs very fast and I went back to go back to watching TV. 

My dad went to work with my mom. We wash him one a week, but sometimes if the dog is very dirty then we wash him multiple times than once a week. 

I helped because I love my dog Charlie and my parents. 

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