The Ethan Crumbley Case | Teen Ink

The Ethan Crumbley Case

January 24, 2022
By VladM3122 BRONZE, Franklin Lakes, New Jersey
VladM3122 BRONZE, Franklin Lakes, New Jersey
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 A firearm is a rifle, pistol, or other portable gun. Firearms have been around since the 10th century and have caused havoc and chaos to this day. Unfortunately, firearms are mistreated today and often are used for the wrong purpose. The second amendment is the right to bear arms, having a weapon in the United States is a right, and should be used for self-defense without a doubt. Sadly, firearms are responsible for over 45,000 deaths according to the CDC. Firearms are not easy to get in some states such as New Jersey and New York, although in states like Texas, Michigan, and other Southern states the laws are much different and people could just walk into their local Walmart and purchase a firearm. Recently, there was a school shooting in Michigan in which a 15-year-old boy named Ethan Crumbley killed 4 kids and injured 8 others.

Ethan was a normal teen, playing video games such as Minecraft, and was said to have been a good kid by his brother. Although it is said that he was bullied in school by fellow colleagues, there has so far been no proof of bullying, and therefore no motive has been found yet. He is also being charged for terrorism as an adult and he is looking to get life in prison for his actions since there is no death penalty in Michigan. One might ask, how did a 15-year-old boy acquire a weapon? According to the New York Post, his father bought the weapon in a store on Black Friday.

As of right now, Ethan is facing life in prison and his parents were also acquitted of manslaughter and attempted to leave the country after being found in a warehouse hiding. They have bought a lawyer for themselves and pleaded not guilty, while for their son, they hired nobody and he will have to have a court-appointed lawyer. Ethan has also attempted to ask to be moved to a juvenile prison to continue his” education” which was swiftly denied by the judge. Although some say that this shooting could be the school's fault, it could have easily been prevented since Ethan had been reported to have been searching on his computer about ammunition. Not only this, the school was supposed to search him but decided not to, which they would have discovered a weapon in his bag. He had also drawn a very explicit drawing with strong wording and the school had called his parents to take him out of school but they refused. A lot of things could have been done, had the school taken him out or reported his behavior, this event could not have happened. Although his parents are still liable heavily since they left the weapon where Ethan could easily use it.

Ethan’s drawings have also recently come out publicly, and Ethan really needed help, and his parents neglected that. His Drawings depicted a figure lying in a pool of blood, the drawing was also made the morning of the school shooting. He was actually confronted about the drawings but scribbled over most of the drawings and words that he wrote such as “my life is useless”. Ethan wrote that all his drawings were a video game idea as an alibi to his drawings. Had the school had taken action quicker, this would have been another of the many reasons that Ethan should have been taken out of school. The parent's bond is also being lowered to 100,000$, despite them buying the weapon for Ethan and not taking action on his disturbing behavior that has been caught many times. This wasn’t the first time Ethan has done something like this and has been caught searching for ammunition in school. All in all, Ethan has been set on a 7 million dollar bond, is facing 24 charges and, has pleaded not guilty to first-degree murder, assault with intent to murder, terrorism, and possession of a firearm.

The author's comments:

This piece is about the recent school shooting in Michigan.

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