Video Games | Teen Ink

Video Games

September 30, 2022
By James2274 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
James2274 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

 I thought I had a dream in which I was made a cookie in the game of cookie run kingdom or a twisted, crazy, weird Morty but when I woke up this morning it was a dream. I thought the sun had a face that was smiling which was not real and it was just shining its light through the window of my room. I got up this morning and went to put my clothes on and went downstairs to brush my dirty, nasty, yellow teeth. I eat a glorious breakfast that shines so hard it hurts my eyes and also eat some cookies that were really good. 

I pulled out my phone and touched my cookie run kingdom app and I waited a few seconds for it to load because all games have a loading screen or they won’t be able to exist and the developers have to pull it from the app store. I got into the game and did my daily things as sending out my daily balloon which comes back every 12 hrs, getting my daily fountain with rewards, and loading up the jelly bear train which also gives me rewards and also got my gifts in an envelope and got my rewards from building and restock them and claim my harbor rewards and fill it up and there is a shop where you buy things from items. Also, there are houses where you can claim jellies that level up your cookies level to make them powerful and topping that also increase the level of your cookies which are attack, defense, critical, debuff resist, and many more. 

There are bounties where you get skill powder to upgrade your cookie skill to make them more powerful and guild battles to test your strength and guild to boost your fountain level and also you use guild torches to get rewards and cream puff cookies. The next one is the heavenly tower where you beat monsters to get rewards and with each tray and they get a little stronger than usual. World Exploration is just the story mode to it and goes through the story to learn the past and also a new story. Tropical soda island is another where you have these clouded islands where you use map fragments and spy cameras to unlock coconuts that give rewards or islands to beat up and get rewards or treasure chests.

 Pocket Morty is like a rip-off version of pokemon in which you are battling Morty to battle the council members to get your portal gun back and you beat the game and your next mission is to catch all the Morty in a different dimension and three types are paper, rock, and scissors and paper beat rock, rock beat scissors, scissors beat paper.

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