Difference | Teen Ink


October 3, 2022
By 3chiles SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
3chiles SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Hi, welcome to Sweet Dreams! How may I help you?” I say to the sweaty, raggedy man walking into the shop.

utter silence fills the room as he walks up to the register drenched and stinking of body odor Maybe he didnt hear me? I thought to myself

“What can I get for you?” I say

“Can I get chili, a bacon cheeseburger, and a soda?” he said in a raspy choked up voice

“Are you alright?” I ask 

“No, I was kicked out of my apartment last week because I couldnt keep up with rent after I lost my job.” the man replied as a tear slowly drifted down his face 

My heart dropped. I dont know what to say other than “Im sorry to hear about that, let me buy you your food.”

“You dont have to” he said as his eyes widened rapidly and he slowly began to smile again

“No, its on me.” I say handing him a large cup and his chili 

I slowly walk down the hall eagerly waiting to tell the owner about this situation, I turn the corner and see the office door closed **** I enter the 4 digit code into the door and creak it open

“Hey Logan, You got a second?” 

“Yeah Matt, Whats up?” 

“Theres a homeless guy out in the dining room, I just paid for his meal but I was wondering if you would be okay with me giving him a 50 dollar giftcard, I think it would be really awesome and help brighten up his life seeing he is struggling right now” 

“Good Idea, Lets do it!” Logan replied as he handed me a card to go put 50 dollars onto.

I walk back up to the register and pop it open the small clink and cling sound as I put 50 dollars onto the card and walk towards the man

“Hey we all put some money on the card for you, we understand your struggling and we wanted to do anything to help you out in your situation.” I said 

“No, No really you dont have to do this.” he said with a smile on his face denying the card

“Are you sure you dont want It?” I reply

“Yes, give it to someone else that needs it.” Dale said

“Okay, well just know whenever you come in we will always be here to listen and help you out.”

Dale has been a forever customer and friend since.

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