What Exactly is date rape? | Teen Ink

What Exactly is date rape?

December 12, 2008
By Anonymous

When most people think of rape they imagine something on the lines of a man hiding in an alley way waiting for his next victim. This is an example of rape. But believe or not rape is actually more common when it is committed by someone a person is dating, love, or even someone you just know. This is also known as date rape?

Date rape comes in many forms. The Rapist could use physical or emotional threats, alcohol, or even basically tricking you into having sex. All of which are wrong. Any form of sex that’s forced upon a person is wrong and is a criminal offense.

Girls and Guys perceive sex differently. A woman can often feel pressured to have sex when they feel uncomfortable to. A guy can feel a lot of pressure too. He can feel the pressure to be more masculine and feel like he has to have sex to feel manlier. This difference is what often can lead to date rape. To prevent this both partners should be ready for sex. It shouldn’t be rushed or forced.

It’s important to be safe. You should always be aware and know how to spots signs.
-A guy buying you drinks all night might be a bad sign because he might just trying to get you drunk.
- avoid situations when you and your date are alone… even if you trust him.
-use your gut feelings about situations.

Rape can be physically damaging but can also be emotionally damaging also. The woman will often feel like it was her fault but it’s always the rapists fault. It can be traumatizing especially if a woman trusted the man. Date Rape is a dangerous thing but can easily be stopped if one knows the signs and stays aware of the situation.


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