Why Football is better than Soccer | Teen Ink

Why Football is better than Soccer

April 11, 2024
By NavGav504 BRONZE, Organ City, Oregon
NavGav504 BRONZE, Organ City, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There may be a lot of soccer fans that think soccer is the best sport, but I am going to tell you why Football is better than soccer. My first reason is that it’s way more enjoyable to play because you can throw the ball, you can run with the ball and you can kick the ball but in soccer you can only kick the ball. Football is also more exciting to watch because you get to watch people tackle each other and amazing plays.

Also in soccer you barely get to score any points and half way through the game they usually only have like one or two points scored, but in football half way through the game they have twenty or thirty. There may be some games that have low points but that's not what usually happens.

Now people may argue that is too violent, but in Football they wear a lot of protective gear that includes the following, a helmet, knee pads, shoulder pads, and shin pads. Therefore it may be violent but they wear good protective gear so it's not really that violent at all.

  Now Football is also way more fun and exciting to watch than Soccer is my reason being they score points pretty often, it’s fast past, and is more thrilling. In soccer you watch them kick a ball around and they barely score a single point while in Football they are taking the ball from each other, tackling each other, and scoring left and right.

 Now you know why Football is better than soccer. It's more enjoyable to watch and play. And why you should play Football and watch Football more often. There’s even a different way to play for younger kids that doesn't involve tackling if your kids are into Football. Which they should be because now you have a reason for them to play and like football.

The author's comments:

its good

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