Road Bumps | Teen Ink

Road Bumps

December 16, 2007
By Anonymous

What if the world was problem free? How nice that would be. Unfortunately that is not the case, because even the luckiest people hit road bumps. I believe everyone has problems.
In my life gymnastics has always been there when I had problems, but this summer it was the problem. I was trying to prepare for level seven, my first year as an optional gymnast. Now that I finally made it there, it was going to go away. I was trying to conquer the fear of walkover handsprings on beam and the frustration of the impossible giant giant layout and kip cast free hips. My coaches would get angry that I wouldn’t do it. It was frustrating to work so hard with all your effort and get nothing out of it. After a summer of practice almost every morning, all the work finally paid off.
When I was seven my parents were having a lot of problems. My mom and dad decided that they needed to take a break. After many fights my dad left for a week. I woke to find my dad gone. My mom told me he left, but he would be back. I cried and cried for hours. My dad visited when my mom wasn’t there. After a week though, my dad came back and everything went back to normal. There were no more fights and life was good again. This proves every one has problems, but shows peoples problems affect those around them.
My whole life is pretty much gymnastics and so is my next experience. At school I am pretty quiet, but at gymnastics I am not. So when I switched gyms, I did not have my usual team. When I said goodbye they all cried and the next two months were full of practices with a not so fun team. Every practice was boring with nobody to have fun with. I spent practice waiting for it to be over. I begged my parents to take me back to the old gym, but they would not go for it. Then my old team had a sleepover at the gym it was so fun and reminded me of old times. I told my dad we had to go back and he agreed. All we had to do was convince my mom. Finally I went back and it was totally worth it. It doesn’t sound bad, but spending 17 hours a week with people you don’t like and without your best friends is awful. It was like a depression had set over me, but it was finally over. After I moved back the gym went bankrupt, but I was happy to be back with my friends.
So it is true we all have troubles. Some are just better at hiding and it usually turns out okay in the end. I try and enjoy life and don’t worry about things I can’t control and it works out just fine.

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