You're Not Alone | Teen Ink

You're Not Alone

October 15, 2011
By W.Bishop SILVER, Cincinnati, Ohio
W.Bishop SILVER, Cincinnati, Ohio
6 articles 4 photos 0 comments

Six billion people in the world. Walking cobblestone streets confused and lonely, Mothers are tucking their four-year old into bed, Parents are grieving that their fifteen year old has leukemia, Some are waiting for their soldiers to come home, while others are praying that God will give them answers. Answers that will let them know "it's okay to let go," but also, answers that say "it's worth the fight." We endlessly ask questions, hoping for answers, hoping for brighter days. The rain constantly pours on us, lightning strikes, and we are afraid. We are afraid to continue forward, we are afraid to trust. Because so many times have have been beaten up and worn down until nothing but a broken heart was left, shattered. Surprisingly, we find the bravery to pick ourselves up off the pavement and try again. Our knees are cut, blood pouring, and the pain is stinging. Wiping the tears from our weary eyes, we move on. We have been changed from these tragedies lingering among us, they have molded and shaped us, making us strong, amour protecting us. A distant voice awakens us and every now and then, we can hear it whispering "pick yourself up, you are strong enough"

The author's comments:
This was written to let people know after tragedies, and after your heart is broken, you can move on. There are so many people in the world, fighting the exact same thing with you. You are never alone. You are strong, pick yourself up after you fall.

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