Bringing Me Back | Teen Ink

Bringing Me Back

June 29, 2008
By Anonymous

I'm sorry will you ever forgive me?
Is this how its going to forever be?
I'm longing for your hugs
The way we bond when drinking tea from our mugs
The laughs we share, the tears that we cry
A world without you would be one big lie
You brought me here you can't just take yourself away
Since you left I see nothing, only shadows of gray
Come back please
I beg,
I plead,
I ask
I have no expression, I am not myself
Be the woman that you were;
A friend,
My mother,
His wife
I have no hopes, goals, or dreams
You inspired them all and now they are gone, lost, torn at the seams
How can i live this life if I am not able to speak to you countless times a day?
Without you my life doesn't matter, nothing does, so please listen to what I have to say
I love you please don't go
You are the most important person in my life, don't you know?
Please trust in what I just said, believing me is the key
I'm sorry will you ever forgive me?

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