Duke the Dog | Teen Ink

Duke the Dog

May 6, 2008
By Anonymous

I have dog named Duke. He is a Great Dane. My sister got him last year around Christmas.
Let me tell you about an experience with him. It was the day of parent teacher conferences.
We were told to take the dog to my sister's school for show and tell. We were trying to calm him down before we took him in to the school There is a church right across the parking lot of the school. I had a hold of the leash and was running then a cat ran across the lawn. Duke started running after the cat full speed. My friend and I got tangled up and I fell and got dragged across the lawn in front of some people who were talking they stopped and started laughing. While this was happening my friend had pulled out her phone and had videoed it. My mom had pulled up 5 minutes later and she ran to the van and started laughing and showed my mom. I have not heard the end of it since.

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